Where care, expertise, and results meet.
Closing Equity Gaps in Math Education, One Classroom at a Time.
All workshops can be adapted and tailored to meet your needs - including content and delivery.
Combatting Premature Teacher Departure: Creating Cohesive Teacher Teams
A 1-day workshop focused on the realities and consequences of teacher departure. Given that attrition accounts for nearly 90% of the demand for new teachers, strategies that increase teacher retention are particularly important. Since teachers identify the quality of administrative support as a key factor in decisions to leave a school, this workshop focuses on the ways principals can strategically influence healthy attrition.
Belong! in the Math Classroom: Strategies for Elevating Student Voice and Shared Authority
In this 2-day workshop teachers will become familiar with current research on belonging in the math classroom. Participants will engage in activities that highlight the ways teacher can close progress monitor students They will also walk away with ways to implement equity-based instructional strategies centered on increasing student discourse in the math class.
Data, Disproportionality and Equity Institute
A 3-day comprehensive workshop series covering the history of educational inequities, the elements of cultural proficiency and using data to identify and address pockets of disproportionality. Participants will identify equity gaps by conducting a root cause analysis and develop data-informed and comprehensive action plans they can immediately implement with staff members.
Creating a Radically Learner-Centered Mathematics Classroom
A 2-day workshop focused on unpacking the meaning of liberatory pedagogy and becoming familiar with how it looks in the mathematics classroom. Over the course of two days participants will discuss the politics of education and the goal of self-actualization in the mathematics classroom. Participants will leave with a collection of lessons which humanize mathematics and liberate our students.
Math for Social Justice: Bridging Rigor & Social Awareness
In this 3-day working session teachers will learn how to plan social justice units and us the time to plan grade level social justice units and lessons. Previously developed for NYCDOE Algebra for All Initiative.
Introduction to Cultural Proficiency
A 1-day workshop covering the foundational tenets of implicit bias, deficit perspectives, and coded language. By focusing on the guiding principles of the cultural proficiency continuum, participants will use the four tools of cultural proficiency to examine one’s work and relationships through the lens of Professional Standards for Educational Leadership and student achievement.
Visualizing Mathematics:
A Problem-Solving Tool
This 1-day workshop is based in Jo Boaler’s fascinating research on the importance of making mathematics visual and using our fingers in math. Participants will leave the workshop with an understanding of how strengthening connections between areas of the brain and visual pathways can improve students’ performance in mathematics as well as strategies and activities they can use in their units and lessons. This workshop is differentiated by grade bands.
Powerful Practice that Dismantle Status & Create Equitable Math Classes
A 1-day workshop covering status in the math classroom. Key topics covered are recognizing status, understanding how it marginalizes students and impacts their belonging in the math classroom. Participants will leave with a toolkit of pedagogical moves that can be implemented in their classrooms right away.
What About When We Cause Harm? So What? Now What?
In this 5-day institute participants will leave with an understanding the impact race on student learning and investigate the role racism plays on institutionalizing academic achievement disparities. This seminar is designed for those who are ready to understand, confront and address the complexities of dismantling inequities n education. This is a data-intensive series of workshops that will walk administrators through exercises that will help unearth hidden pockets of inequities and the consequences of such inequities. Leveraging the expertise of the community, participants will walk away with resources, new thought partners and an action plan.
Dr. Neil will use the PPP™ framework to develop and facilitate a Lecture Series on a given topic, a Plenary Session which includes outside speakers, breakout sessions, materials and feedback forms, Workshop Development & Facilitation and On-Site Coaching.
Recent Design Your Own professional development workshops include 3 - part Family Math Series for District15, NYCDOE.